Meet Dean Rush

Flying Free is is a compilation of experiences and ideas to help reach goals we didn't dream possible. We can soar to new heights when God is our wing man. Come fly with with us to reach God's purpose for your life.

Let's examine some ways you can achieve free flight even when heavily burdened. IT IS tough to takeoff and fly when we are overburdened with problems. If we are going to achieve free flight, climb, and soar, we must plan to extract ourselves from those historic problems that prevent us from flying to God's purpose for our lives.

Flying Free:Life After Crisis

Flying Free Reviews

 [Daniel Comp]

I encourage you to read Dean's story, and to apply the wisdom he shares. His faithfulness and humility are rare for men in his caliber. I've had the honor of his mentoring, and friendship, through good and tough times in both of our lives, and you would do well to add this to your library, and better, to your understanding of character. Thanks for your leadership Dean!

 [Vicky Coppock]

A book you must read. Dean's testimony is inspiring and gives hope. Practical skills for leadership and mentoring. Thank you for sharing your story.

 [Angelina Musik]

I appreciate the wisdom that Deans shares as insights we can all benefit from in our own lives upon reflection. I've known Dean and his wife Vickie for over 15 years. An amazing couple that together have glowed through numerous crisis inspiring me to do the same. A fabulous gift for young men, veterans and enterprising men. ​

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Man is born to live and not to prepare to live.
Boris Pasternak


Fly Free Reviews

Dean Rush is an angel without wings and one of the finest mentors in America. He has packed five lifetimes into one: family man, fighter pilot, aviation entrepreneur, aviation executive and pastor. He is my friend and co-worker. I get to enjoy his grace, wisdom and common sense every day. And now, you do too!
Robert Emmitt, pastor, Community Bible Church, San Antonio, TX


This is a must read. Dean's description of his life, and lessons learned, is not only captivating, but will provide the proper motivation for anyone going through any type crisis! I only wish I had read this book nine years ago.
Bobby Hillin, NASCAR driver and business owner


Dean Rush is a wonderfully wise and skillfully competent leader and pilot. In Flying Free, he provides us a rich reservoir to draw from as we learn to face personal tragedy and resume full flight.
Dr. Dave Earley, Director of the Lovett Center for Ministry Training, Director and Chair of Pastoral Leadership and Church Planting, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary